
“Hellos and Goodbyes”


We’re coming to an end of another school year. A few more weeks together and we’re off to our spring vacation. For most, it will be another “See you later!” but sadly, for others it is “Goodbye”. When I was younger, I used to love school vacations. No more waking up early, no more sitting in the classroom for what seems like forever, no more school works. I usually enjoy the first few days of it but after a while, I start to miss my friends at school. I guess that’s one of the best things a school has to offer. Education is of course the first priority, but apart from that, the relationships that we build over the years with our classmates and teachers are irreplaceable and to be treasured forever.

Now, graduation is just around the corner for some of our students. I bet they are all excited that all their hard work paid off and they are about to start a new chapter in their lives. It is indeed a cause for celebration but for me, this was actually the part I hated the most in my entire school life . While I was happy to receive my diploma, I couldn’t help but feel sad knowing that I had to bid farewell to my Alma Mater and with that goes all the memories and friends I had made through all those years. Sure, you can keep in touch with all the technology we have now but it’s never the same as when you are in school where you get to see them everyday and have fun with each other all day long. School may be sickening at times but trust me, you’re going to miss it once it’s all over. So for all the students out there, enjoy every second of your school life, make the most out of it, build plenty of memories and friendships. You’re only young once and I hope that when you get older you can look back and say that this has been a great and awesome part of your life.

Happy Spring Break everyone! Enjoy and Good luck for the new school year ahead and for the new students, welcome to First Steps International School! Wish you the best of luck and I hope you’ll have lots of fun here.

